Sunday, December 24, 2006
jerine♥, 12:29 AM
HIGHWAY AIRWAY TO ITALY!i'm blogging from the airport right now :)
the plane leaves in about an hour's time.
and this computer sucks. big time.
the keyboard is damn wonky. - to think singapore's airport would provide better service.
it's christmas eve :)
and there's absolutely no christmas atmosphere to speak of here at the airport.
and my little left toe is hurting from wearing my new converse. ouch.
i'm just updating to past time cause i realise that the book i brought, sense and sensibility, is a damn hard book to read.
lol. i make myself sound like a fool.
oh wells...enjoy yourselves this christmas and new year alright?
miss me! love you loads :)
Saturday, December 23, 2006
jerine♥, 6:43 PM
ITALY, HERE I COME!i'll be leaving in like 4 hours :)
the bags are packed--ok sort of...
for some reason or other the excitement hasn't kicked it.
but italy has always been the dream right?
i'm lucky enough to travel far every year but haven't i been whining about not going to italy?
so why don't i feel a tad bit of excitement now?
ha...the novelty has worn off.
oh yea...i'm to be on transit in dubai.
i'd better not die there.
hahaha...people like natalie would probably be mortified at having to spend hours there. lol ;)
the year's near an end and this year's been rather alright.
there have been ups and downs but ultimately, i think i've grown up.
i'm gonna miss all the fun times we had in school and out of it.
i'm gonna miss 4/6, the G8, and all the people i hang out with.
you guys have been wonderful, and even that is an understatement.
i'm thankful for all that i'm blessed with:)
2006 will be over before i get back, but i'm too lazy to make shout-outs now.
so i'll do it when i get back :)
i love you guys :) so have a
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! :)so ciao till next year darlings!
i promise to post the pictures when i get back :)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
jerine♥, 2:38 PM
Vampires are make-believe. Just like elves, gremlins, and eskimos. And many other things.for as long as i can remember i've been looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses. sort of.
it's all make-believe. or rather just me making myself believe.
everything just seems so pretty and perfect. that is unless reality strikes you hard. in the face.
i've learnt that things don't always go your way. sometimes it never does.
i've learnt that even working damn hard doen't necessarily make things go your way.
i've learnt that even when you are desperate miracles don't happen.
i didn't learn easy. but i've learnt.
it's not for the sake of it.
maybe we should start speaking through tinted glasses.
JC posting for 1st three months is out.
got posted to TPJC. just my luck. well at least i'll have charmaine for company.
i'm appeal to get into CJC. now i feel stupid putting in as my 2nd choice and submitting my choices a day late.
oh well..if it's not successful at least i'll only be in TP for 3 months.
watched the's not bad but a little long though.
got myself a pretty pair of black heels and black top.
oh oh...yes. and a set of jane austin novels.
i've packed some of my stuff for italy this morning.
i'd sound like an ungrateful brat but i'm not at all excited about going there. in fact, i don't feel like going at all anymore.
in a long dark tunnel, i only pray for a spark.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
jerine♥, 2:04 PM
oh no oh no oh no....that topshop clutch is sold out!ahhhhhh!!!!!!
in less than 24 hours, some twick bought that clutch i wanted!
mummy just called to say that there's only one piece left and it's not in a good condition!
there....and i was a happy child just half an hour ago thinking that i'm gonna get it.
i feel so cheated!
now i don't even feel like going to the doctor anymore.
i'm gonna stay home and mope all day.
can't i just have that one pretty thing that i want?!
is that too much to ask huh? huh?!
jerine♥, 1:05 PM
i can resist everything except temptation.i went shopping yesterday :) its mostly window shopping.
i'm soon gonna be so broke i can't afford to go window shopping.
so yesterday i bought a top from m)phosis and today mummy's gonna get me that clutch from topshop :)
and i really want that tan-coloured tote from nike. yes yes...i know. BOYCOTT NIKE.
anyway, given my current financial status i'll have to starve if i bought that. and it'd also mean no money for italy!
but this week i'm planning to get myself a pair of black heels, a pair of flip-flops, and a pair of converse.
HOPEFULLY mummy will offer to pay.
she asked if i wanted braces last night.
i do! but she'll pay for it all by herself which makes me feel really bad. daddy won't pay.
i'll have to go to the doctor's later.
to get something to stop my periods just for the holiday.
i'm worried about the side-effects though...le sigh.
and think! my doctor's a male. stupid as it may seem, but how in the world am i going to tell the doctor about my peroids?
oh the agony...
i shy la ok?
operator! give me the number for 911!
Friday, December 08, 2006
jerine♥, 4:35 PM
I'm going to live forever or die trying.for some reason i was itching to do something at the crack of dawn earlier today.
no joke. i'm surprised myself.
i miss the adrenalin rush you get whilst trying to complete the tremendous amount of homework by its due date.
ironic how the seaweed always look greener in the other ocean.
it's only the 1st week this week that i haven't got all of my days filled with activities and i'm already bored out of my wits.
you know, every woman should have four pets in her life.
a mink in her closet,
a jaguar in her garage,
a tiger in her bed,
and a jackass who pays for everything. :)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
jerine♥, 3:15 PM
The closing years of life are like a masquerade party, when the masks are yours truely has finally decided to change her layout all by herself.
i'd say this is an amazing feat.
yes, moi is not a techie in anyway, crashing the computer once a month in absolutely normal.
so i'll take a lift from sandra's book and give myself a pat on the back :)
life has been rather uneventful, other than the yelling matching that went on between mummy and that git i have for a brother.
and he's still trying to talk about common sense. THAT BOY DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH SENSE TO FILL A TEASPOON.
i would have chucked that brat out of the house but too bad his mother likes him.
i need to go shopping. but my finances are failing me.
feeling generous? call 1900-make-jerine-happy to make a $10 donation :)
i hardly think i'll be able to shop in italy. prices are in euro after all.
so it'd be eat eat eat eat eat.
think gelato. think cheese. think pasta. think pizza.
think gaining 483296784564 pounds after the trip.
italy means sacrificing christmas parties and new year parties.
no noisy parties. no crazy funny people. no yummy christmas food. no bubbly. no presents.
but then again there will also be no mad rush in orchard road to buy last minute christmas presents.
i'd rather spend my new year's day on the plane reading a book and have that small little pathetic bottle of wine than share body heat and squeezing past smelly sweaty men in town thankyouverymuch.
oh oh! and i watched some barbie movie on tv a few days ago.
it's so nice and magical :)
but barbie's unrelistically pretty.
nice long blond hair. gorgeous face. long legs. big enough boobs. lean slender figure.
and her male counterparts are just as good-looking.
makes an ordinary human on the street look like an alien-reject.
oh well..they make big bucks.
addio till next time!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
jerine♥, 3:37 PM
this morning i met the most uncouth person ever.
ok so i was just on the train minding my own business and this guy in his 30s just kept staring.
whatever...that i don't mind i mean there's nothing to do on the train but people-watch right?
but nooo....this arse has to get up,
whip his phone out,
turn in my direction.....
and if that's not enough,
he walked over, stood opposite me - where the door is basically,
and started snapping again!
he was obviously not messaging considering how he held the phone.
THEN i heard that camera sound that is produced from the phone.
and he was just standing beside the door but after snapping he had to walk to the next door to alight at the same stop.
i shuold have just whipped out my phone too and taken a picture of him taking a picture of me.
he alighted at the same stop and i think he thuoght i was following him.
he kept turning back and finally walked really quickly into the gents.
i'm disgusted.
and mind you, i was decently dressed.
i didn't look like a whore but he sure did make me feel like one.
dear santa,
i have been relatively good this year.
and for christmas, i'd like you to wipe out all creeps from the surface of this earth.
it's just a matter of seconds before the next poor soul somewhere out there gets sexually insulted....
can you live with that guilt? huh?
much love,
alrighty...moving along.
visited sandra in the hospital today.
poor girl.
but she's getting discharged today.
she refused to wear the pink hospital pjs.
she hid it behind the curtain instead.
hahahaha :)
and i read the new paper there.
apparently st anthony's canossian is rich enough to sponor air tickets and accomodation for some auzzie band.
what the hell?!
and they keep asking us for donations.
now we know where all the money goes to.
i swear they said we were going to have a new building for PFA.
fund raising for years and they spend it on rubbish concerts.
please....there was a concert last week by local bands,
and apparently less than 2o people showed up.
they're just wasting a whole fucking lot of money.
and when drama wants to hold a musical, comes the sad sob story about budget and not being able to find us a venue.
i can easily think of 10 places to stage our musical which is more entertaining and less expensive as compared to the amount they are coming up with to bring that band in.
it just infuriates me how the stupid school handle their finances.
initiative my arse.
all that girl did was to write a 3 and the 1/2 page proposal to get the band to come in.
we had a 85-page script and offered to find ourselves a venue,
but noooo its not possible for us to stage a musical.
and it surprises me that there's this bit of sadness in me to leave the school.
after all, we were somehow treated like shit.
(on the absence of cabs 200 meters from the taxi depo place)
denise: dear lord, its 11 o'clock. if you love us please send two cabs for us. jerine and i are very tired and we'll very much like to be home. amen.
(still no cabs 2 minutes later)
denise: must be peak period. god's not answering his emails.
jerine: yup. the computer must have hanged. too many incoming night time prayers.
down with creeps.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
jerine♥, 4:33 PM
been out of touch with cyber space for like 4 months?
so yep...this blog deserves a new entry.
so the o-levels are finally over and we can all take the much needed breather.
i just hope my results are not disappointing.
so chalet the day after the Os.
went quite alright though falling sick after that was definately NOT desirable.
lack of sleep does real damage.
the 1st saturday was spent shopping for the wedding.
1st sunday was wedding full throttle though i must say it was not where i really wanted to be.
fliming started after that.
monday till thurs.
extremely tiring but nevertheless, it was really fun :)
really enjoyed myself especially on thurs night.
filming till 11pm.
but i wish it would go on all through the night.
so this weekend is really the 1st weekend i've spent doing absolutely nothing.
oh yes...before i forget
i'm so excited :)
finally after 2 years my parents are keeping their promise :)
it was either italy or south africa.
i wanna go south africa next year :)
so i'm leaving on the 23rd and coming back on the 1st.
- we're flying emirates. -
just in time for school - which i am absolutely NOT looking forward to.
new school, new faces, all alone on the 1st day.
missing christmas and new year parties :(
anybody wants to throw a christmas party on the 22nd?
watched happy feet yesterday.
penguins are really really ah-dorable!
cute little fat fluffy things :)
so daddy got my mummy a new digi cam yesterday.
he bought my bro a PSP.
they are all early christmas presents.
and what did i get?
why? because we're going to italy.
and because i wanted to go to that expensive destination i have to forsake my present.
like they're not going.
c'est la's a bitch.