i can resist everything except temptation.i went shopping yesterday :)ok....so its mostly window shopping.
i'm soon gonna be so broke i can't afford to go window shopping.
so yesterday i bought a top from m)phosis and today mummy's gonna get me that clutch from topshop :)
and i really want that tan-coloured tote from nike. yes yes...i know. BOYCOTT NIKE.
anyway, given my current financial status i'll have to starve if i bought that. and it'd also mean no money for italy!
but this week i'm planning to get myself a pair of black heels, a pair of flip-flops, and a pair of converse.
HOPEFULLY mummy will offer to pay.
she asked if i wanted braces last night.
i do! but she'll pay for it all by herself which makes me feel really bad. pfffft...my daddy won't pay.
i'll have to go to the doctor's later.
to get something to stop my periods just for the holiday.
i'm worried about the side-effects though...le sigh.
and think! my doctor's a male. stupid as it may seem, but how in the world am i going to tell the doctor about my peroids?
oh the agony...
i shy la ok?
operator! give me the number for 911!