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A masquarade. Always.

Maturity is realising that your own pleasures
aren't worth someone else's pain.
- jerine
quaintrelle .blogspot.com ♥

Sunday, June 22, 2008
jerine♥, 7:45 PM | 0 Noticed Me

blogger has failed me.

i've moved.

click here :)

same user as blogspot just with the additional "s" at the back. change your links people :)

Friday, June 20, 2008
jerine♥, 6:25 PM | 0 Noticed Me

i believe in fairytales

life's been pretty good the past 2 days :)

dinner and pool with the fieldtrip people yesterday night (yes, i still refuse to pick up the cue stick) as an early birthday celebration for rachel.

spent the afternoon with val today. we were supposed to study but we left the library at 1, after 2 hours, for parkway.
lunched and all, and that girl takes FOREVER to choose her stationary from popular.

oh and some lady behind us in the queue at popular said she likes my shoes :)
i was wearing my cherry flats.

whilst in the library we didn't get much studying done though. we thought jo was joing us but that pig was still in school.
and val just vandalised everything she could get her hands on - namely my post its.

my poor post its. they were supposed to be motivational. LOOK AT THEM NOW!
(oh and thanks for the sticker jo :) i just noticed today!)

she shamelessly wrote this on a napkin, took a picture of it, and set it as my phone's wallpaper.

study session again soon babes! hibernation at home doesn't work with seth around! haha i sound like i'm keeping a man.

and my eyesight's getting form bad to worse :( i think i look pretty awful in specs. haha. the following picture is probably going to be the 1st and last time you see me in specs.

and my horrible attempt to pout. haha.

Thursday, June 19, 2008
jerine♥, 1:07 PM | 0 Noticed Me

two things are infinite: the universe and stupidity; and i'm not sure about the universe.

Stupidity isn’t always painful. It should be. But it’s not.

Econs fac test yesterday was a blur. It hours went by so quickly that when they said pens down, I was shaking.

3 possibilities: - I was shaking due to the cold (the audi was an ice box)

- I was shaking in fear because I couldn’t finish my paper

- I was shaking in rage because this was what I heard

choose the answers to one question that you’re most confident of, circle it and staple it in front.”


There I was trying to strategise so that I can pass the entire paper and they told me to choose ONE?!
I refused to make the choice so I stapled my scripts in chronological order.

Went out with jo and val after the test, and while I was stoning at starbucks, question 1 floated across my mind.
I was rolling the question around in my head and I realised I ANSWERED THE ENTIRE 25 MARK QUESTION WRONGLY. OH MY LORD.
And it had to be a full 25 marks question and not the usual part (a) and (b) question.
Thanks. Thankyouverymuch.

I was pretty much traumatised.
Jo was sweet. Thanks for the napkin note love :)
I like napkin notes. They make the simple note simpler than it already is. And it’s sweeter. Haha.

And whilst I was flipping though my mountain of econs essay on Tuesday night, daddy came home with a present! (and it’s not even my birthday. Ha.)
So there I was trying to make full use of my last 2 hours (I planned to sleep by midnight see) and he happily brought in a distraction.
And because it’s all wrapped up curiosity got the better of me.

Say hello to my new piece of technology (I’m not calling it my new baby cause I don’t like it that much =/ )

Okay…so I’m an ungrateful brat who’s complaining even though I’m getting a new camera.
It came after one week of whining. Haha. I wanted a new camera because mine’s 5 years old?
Yup, so after new zealand I was just whining about how horrid my camera is.
But daddy got me a W series from sony because all the new t series cameras are touch screens and apparently the touch screens die really easily.
But the w series is so…..FAT. The thickness makes it’s so 1980s.
Even my old T3 is slimmer than this. But then again, my t3 was made to be slim.

Bummer. But I guess I should just be grateful that I’ve got a new camera.

Oh and meet jo’s newest baby. The one on the left is trouble, and the right is named some.
Put them together and what do you get?
They are troublesome. Literally.
“Quick! Wipe the drop of water off! It’d stain the shoe!”

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
jerine♥, 3:03 PM | 0 Noticed Me

choices and responsibility.

whether i fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own.
the above is quoted from my econs lecture notes.

i've got urges to expell stuff from both ends.
a bout of nausea and diarrhoea.
i feel like fainting everytime i stand up.

but i'm having constipation of the mind.
econs fac test tomorrow.
it's going to be a very panicky 2 and a 1/2 hours.
i can see it already.

i want a scalpel to slit my abdomen so i can reach in to fix my insides.

Saturday, June 14, 2008
jerine♥, 4:40 PM | 0 Noticed Me

if i discover within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that i was made for another world.

Blogger’s a bitch. The font size’s wonky, so here I am typing this out on Microsoft words. The auto correct shite is annoying. Not always, but now more than ever.

Ever felt like lifting a katana and sending it right through yourself then go up, down, left, right, like the fallen samurais? I feel that way now. Friends who think I’ve been driven to the point of desperation, fear not. The closest thing to a katana at home is a knife with a glistening glade of about 15cm.

It’s not easy being female. In my honest opinion, “females” ought to be a synonym of “noble”. I’m cramping like there’s no tomorrow.
I hate my insides. First fever for the past few days and now this. UGH.

On a lighter note, I’ve STARTED studying. Yay me:) I haven’t got much done at all, but it’s a start. I will pass all the tests when term starts. I must. Heck, I’d better. Math seems fun now, though I’m starting to loath econs. The more I study econs the more confused I get because I’ve developed some warped up way of thinking logically. Sheesh. I always had a sneaky feeling that was different.

Jie wei’s chalet later and I’m still not sure if I’m going. Well I was sure until I realised we haven’t set a time to meet and all of a sudden jayne and jerry are the only ones going. I thought the whole class was going?! Thanks.

I’m TRYING to do up an LJ layout but it’s not turning out well for I don’t know what reason. Pictures will be up as soon as I’ve gotten the journal up. Some really nice guy girl person is offering to help me look at the overrides because I seem to be the only idiot in this world who can’t manage an LJ.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
jerine♥, 4:32 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Sunday, June 08, 2008

i'm back!

pictures will be up when they've been collated:)

yay for fieldtrips!
had heaps of fun :)

angels in disguise.

Sunday, June 01, 2008
jerine♥, 10:49 AM | 0 Noticed Me

no one has ever loved anyone in the way everyone wants to be loved.

shopping yesterday with jo :)

got mummy her birthday present - a watch from guess.
rachel suggested i get cooking pots and pans. right. and the next day we'd end up sleeping in the streets. my mum cannot cook to save her life.

flying off to new zealand this afternoon!
i'm so not ready for the trip.
didn't do read ups, nothing. sorry adriene!

this is what i will bring back:

for gissy :)

for jo :)

for jayne :)

for emily :)

one more hour till i leave!
miss me :)

Saturday, May 31, 2008
jerine♥, 11:35 AM | 0 Noticed Me

i swear, one day i'd heck into the school website to remove all my unglam pictures.
one day.

Thursday, May 29, 2008
jerine♥, 4:31 PM | 0 Noticed Me

a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

it made me smile :)
it's amazing how the littlest things can brighten up you day - and i sure as hell ain't having the best one.

cleaned up my lappy :)
i'll organise my pictures. SOON.
honestly, i should be putting my time to better use.


GISELLAHUANGXIANGWEN i just realised we don't even have a single picture together after so long. that uber ugly picture taken on your birthday doesn't count. if i get kidnapped my your macho or eaten by sheeps in new zealand you won't have memories of me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
jerine♥, 10:43 PM | 0 Noticed Me

contentment is natural wealth.

i'm a happy girl again :)
yes, i can't help but be easily contented.
jerine♥, 3:30 PM | 0 Noticed Me

i know that you believe you understand what i said, but i'm not sure you realise that what you heard is not what i meant.

i'm still pretty much annoyed. yes, i don't get over annoyance easily.
i kind of realised that i'm like a kid. i need to be coaxed. HA.

anyways, more pictures!

from our shower escapades in school to the choir concert. though the shower pictures weren't even supposed to be taken, but i've decided to post the most unglam picture you'll ever see of me.
but in the name of sportsmanship, i'll do it. and i'll post the rest too though they're not half as unglam as mine. one day adriene..i'll snap a uber unglam one of you to make up for this.

p.s. ok, i chickened out and decided to not post the umglam after shower pictures. LOL.

Monday, May 26, 2008
jerine♥, 11:21 PM | 0 Noticed Me

some teachers can be the ultimate bitches. period.

and now my entire day is spoilt. thanks a lot ya?