home is where the heart is.
overdued pictures from my grandaunt's annual birthday bash at spring court last weekend.
as usual, there were heaps of people, and that's not even the entire family. only a fraction. seems like the private room with 9 tables weren't enought to accomodate all of us so people had to be slotted here there everywhere. yes...i suppose about a hundred turned up?
company was good that night i guess. the conversation at our table somehow, i can't remeber how, but somehow changed to that of flashers and wankers. god knows i've seen a fair share of wankers on buses. but at least now i know i'm not the only one.
and i've come to realise that unknowingly, we've all gown a little older, but none the wiser for some. our table has evolved from the "kids table" to the almost 20 and below 30s table, save the 2 monkeys who will never cease to insist on sitting with us. they're good entertainment at times though. but little ones...i don't think kids will ever make it on my "love" list.
potential husband, that's a point to note.
very few pictures, and a video, but beats nothing at all.
oh...and watch the videos and tell me which family sings in unison like mine? we're like a 100 -and still counting- people choir.