the difference between an itch and an allergy is about a hundred bucks.
i. am. breaking. out. in. hives.
all over my legs.
it's annoying the shit out of me and they won't go away!
i looked it up on the net. i know what hives are, but what did i ever do to get them?
and according to some medical website, they are caused my allergies, and -the joke of the century- STRESS.
i'm not stressed! far from it!
and i don't have allergies. well, not that i know of, but still.
go away go away go away.
it's got like the entire north america imprinted on my calf.
i swear the hives can like make a whole novel with their shapes.
the itch is driving me nuts. and they're growing larger and larger.
go away please....