the best i've ever had.
i've been neglecting this blog for far too long.
really busy with school and all but i've been having fun :)
with pw and chinese looming nearer, having fun seems to be a sin, but i'm loving it :) results were better than expected!
2 Bs, 2Cs, 1D, 1E :)
i'm rather pleased :)
anyways...zoo last saturday.
had fun, but we were really REALLY late!
lol...nevertheless, it was cool cause nobody really cared..
conservation ambassador!
heh...i didn't return my nametag :p
pw on sunday with the group.
we finally came together to do some stuff AS A GROUP.
entire day was devoted to it, but it was quite fun so oh wells :)
melly came to pick me up at 7 that night from parkway after pw.
my god...i don't think i ever want to sit in a car that she drives again.
major motion sickness. HAHAHA.
how did she get her license? good question.
celebrated the october babies' birthday yesterday :)
coincided with joann's birthday.
happy birthday my darlings :)
love them heaps!
and it's been a really really long time since the entire group got together.
if only tree was here too..but we'll get together again when she's back on the 16th of december ya? :)
spent lots and lots of money on the meal, the balloons, and the cake!
but i think it was more worthwhile than buying presents :)
thank god i had val to split the cost with :)
they are the best i've ever had.
ethel's the cutest thing ever!
imitating the monkey. she seems rather pleased with herself!
again, what's camwhoring without imitating the lians?
MAJOR unglam. LOL! but i couldn't help it. the cow was so cute!
you see 2 iodts removing their heels and taking jump shots!
off goes the heels and up we go!
unsuccessful attempt at looking "dao"
we really can't do it can we? ick...and i look UBER FAT =(
this is the 1st time the both of us sat on grass. POUTS.
i bet val included cheryl in this picture on purpose. LOL!
i like this picture a lot :))
i love you darlings so much.
ps..i've put on soooo much weight i can't stand it. i feel like a walking lump of lard.