procrastination is like masturbation. in the end, you're just screwing happens to be the last day of my 5 weeks holiday.
and i have achieved absolutely nothing. nothing productive.
oh wells...
screw pw and fuck retests.
as charmaine said last night, we can be top contenders for another year in jc.
ha i miss that girl. miss her heck care attitude toward everything but still manages to score in everything.
it's amazing how that brain of hers works.
just a little catch up with her last night after she randomly sent me an sms on how she was suffering from withdrawal symptoms and misses sac.
i wish i was back in sac too.
i don't mind another year of sec 4. i think it's less stressful than j1.
to hell with retests.
i have already lined my grave with toilet paper so it'd be more comfy.
i was blog hopping and was somehow reminded of gis's ego.
-during extra chinese lessons with gis and lao shi
(on teaching in tp being her 1st job to date.)
lao shi: i like it here. i have nice colleagues and adorable students.
gis: *beams*
me: erm........i think she's referring to the pictures of her ex-students.
lao shi: (roars with laughter) YES YES YES!
(randomly during our morning sessions)
gis: you know....i think all the teachers really like me. (grins)
how can so much ego be in that puny body of hers?
egos never cease to leave be bewildered :)
kinda reminds me of mr lian.
hahahaha. him and his stupid ego that i took such pride in deflating :))
my pillow is about to blow up in flames from the heat radiating from my laptop all morning/afternoon.